Sunday, February 16, 2020

Advantages and disadvantages of E-learning Assignment

Advantages and disadvantages of E-learning - Assignment Example This paper seeks to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning. E-learning employs two main teaching methods depending on the institution and learning facilities present (IBM, 2010). The first is the Asynchronous learning method which is a student centered approach. In this method, lessons are delivered informally using internet based resources, virtual tutors where resources needed for learning are made available through reference sites, and computer based training. The second method is synchronous learning that involves a number of students learning in a virtual classroom at the same time, whereby students use telecommunication facilities such as video conferences to take lectures. Thus, instructor teaches the lesson virtually through an internet portal, as students watch online (Nayak & Suesaowaluk, 2007). E-Learning allows students to study from anywhere in the world, and take any course of their choice since it uses internet resources whereby a student can register f or a course offered in a different location, access reading resources and take online examinations for the course. E-learning reduces costs that occur in the traditional teaching methods considering that the institutions using this method save on cost incurred by lecturers in travelling to lecture in different locations. Education institutions in different countries are using this system to offer their courses, as a tutor can conduct a class from their geographical location electronically without the need to travel physically. This also makes the utilization of labor in these institutions efficient because they need few staff members to conduct lecturers for a large audience (IBM, 2010). Electronic learning improves classroom learning efficiency because it allows for better interactivity between students, tutor and the learning process. Multimedia capabilities and internet resources involve the student intellectually in the whole learning process. This mode of study uses resources l ike videos, blogs, audio files, and web pages to teach the students leading to worldwide acceptability (Markovic, 2010). In addition, it has a global reach in the learning process, which involves students and tutors from all locations, and races, as students have universal access to experts who assist them in the learning process. Institutions using this method have dedicated workers available online to answer any queries from students; employing websites that are interactive and students can get answers to frequently asked questions that can arise as they study (Stennes, n.d.; Nayak & Suesaowaluk, 2007). This form of learning is convenient to all the people involved in the study process; for instance, it makes classroom assessment easy for the lecturer. The lecturer gives reading resources electronically and receives answers to assignments electronically, which allows them to easily track the assignments and check for plagiarism and copying. The administrators of institutions offer ing e-learning get feedback on the progress of the classes from all the stakeholders. Students can make comments and reviews on the subject’s content, and also the whole teaching process which is used as a framework for improving the process. In addition, lecturers receives students comments and feedbacks on the modules, content of the study, and understands where to change and improve the classes (Markovic, 2010). This method poses a number of disadvantages to both students and institutions that offer it, considering that e-learning relies heavily on internet and telecommunication facilities, which incurs cost for hardware and software installation, as well as internet charges to access learning

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The role of meta-cognition in teaching Mathematics to the Essay

The role of meta-cognition in teaching Mathematics to the International Baccalaureate Primary Year Program learners - Essay Example It is for this importance that mathematics holds in our everyday life that the approach towards the teaching of mathematics in school must be done with so much circumspection. Because mathematics is part of our everyday life, it must be taught in such a way that students will adopt concepts through relational learning rather than though rote learning. According to Fox (2009), relational learning has taken place when teachers realize that â€Å"learning isn’t just an academic exercise designed to score individuals on their ability to regurgitate information. Rather, it is a lifelong process of understanding truth, gaining wisdom, and making better life decisions† and therefore approaches teaching with methods that are interactive and practical. This is particularly important to ensure at the basic level such as the International Baccalaureate Primary Years. This is because at the primary level, students’ understanding of what they learn is dependent upon relating ideas to their own experience (Junior Achievement Michiana, 2007). One educational concept that plays major role when talking about relational or practical learning of mathematics is meta-cognition. Key words: Cognition, Metacognition. The term Cognition and Metacognition Cherry (2011) defines cognition as â€Å"the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, including thinking, knowing, remembering, judging and problem-solving.† Metacognition refers to one's knowledge concerning one's own cognitive processes or anything related to them, e.g. the learning-of relevant properties of information or data.(Flavell, 1976, p. 232). This means that Metacognitive knowledge can be described as the knowledge, awareness, and deeper understanding of one’s own cognitive processes and products (Flavell 1976). Metacognitive skills can be seen as the voluntary control people have over their own cognitive processes (Brown 1987). This transformation suggests changes both in curricular content and instructional style. It involves renewed effort to focus on: †¢ Seeking solutions, not just memorizing procedures; †¢ Exploring patterns, not just memorizing formulas; †¢ Formulating conjectures, not just doing exercises. As teaching begins to reflect these emphases, students will have opportunities to study as an exploratory, dynamic, evolving discipline rather than as a rigid, absolute, closed body of laws to be memorized. For instance in Mathematics: When we solve the sum or a problem we are using ‘Cognition’, that is we are forced to think of different strategies to solve the problem and ‘Metacognition‘ is when we cross-check the answer, maybe we could scrutinize each and every alternative in a multiple-choice task before deciding which is the best one. According to Lucangeli et al (1995), since Flavell introduced the concept of metacognition in 1976, most authors agree that the construct can be differentiat ed into a knowledge and skills component. It has long been assumed that metacognition—thinking about one’s own thoughts—is a uniquely human ability. Yet a decade of research suggests that, like humans, other animals can differentiate between what they know and what they do not know. They opt out of difficult trials; they avoid tests they are unlikely to answer correctly; and they make riskier ‘‘bets’’ when their memories are accurate than they do when their memori